
Vertbral Column

photo of Atlantic salmon vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column

Atlantic salmon

Lateral View

photo of Barbel vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column


Lateral View

photo of Butterfish vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column


Lateral View

photo of Dragonet vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column


Lateral View

photo of Dragonet vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column


Lateral View

photo of European plaice vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column

European plaice

Lateral View

photo of European seabass vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column

European seabass

Lateral View

photo of Freshwater bream vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column

Freshwater bream

Lateral View

photo of Greater amberjack vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column

Greater amberjack

Lateral View

photo of John dory vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column

John dory

Lateral View

photo of Poor cod vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column

Poor cod

Lateral View

photo of Roach vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column


Lateral View

photo of Saithe vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column


Lateral View

photo of Scad vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column


Lateral View

photo of Spurdog vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column


Lateral View

photo of Trout vertbral column lateral view

Vertbral Column


Lateral View